typical Sturm und Drang work is often powerful and builds into violent action
by means of human motive (versus the idealistic
moral). Also associated with this time
were works focused on anti-aristocratic perceptions and all real and painful
subjects that earlier were less touched in the artistic fields. This stemmed
from a rise in the 18th century middle class and an increase in the
power garnered to the aristocracy. This tension became a fuel for most of literacy
and other artistic mediums and essentially the proved to be a catalyst to the
movement. In turn with this violence and
dissent, music in this time was darker than previous. Most songs were written
in a minor key with difficult or depressing themes of melody and dynamics. Some
prominent musicians during this time were Haydn, Mozart, and Bach with their
music focused on the professed darker themes.
It was
also during this time that theater became a significant place of artistic
representation. Here we see opera really take on a new light with focus on
increasing emotional expression. A notable ballet (that some might recognize)
is that of Christoph Gluck’s Don Juan. The
stage essentially became a place for writers to critique societal issues and
take shots on current and unfair situations through colorful representation of
emotion and the human condition. Popular writers of this time were Johann Anton
Leisewitz, Heinrich Leopold Wagner, Goethe, Fredrich Schiller, Jakob Lenz, and
Frierich Klinger. For all those who want to get a glimpse into specific works
look into Prometheus or Die Leiden des jungen Werthers both written by Goethe and which deal with
dramatic themes of God and deadly love (ending in suicide).
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